Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Colorado enforcement dilemma shows exploitable weakness of anti-gun laws

What’s new is that more fed-up gun owners are forming the resolve to defy disarmament edicts and to refuse to comply when “progressive” majorities have barred doors for legislative and judicial redress. That's because unalienable individual rights aren't subject to manipulated mob whims. While more traditional organizations have not known what to make of situations when their lobbying strategies have failed and gun owners have taken the demand for freedom into their own hands, perhaps some are learning that dismissing “I will not comply” activists as “extremists” is playing into the hands of people who level that charge against everyone they wish to smear, with a special viciousness for the more "moderate" who try to play nice. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes ultimately, it boils down to those who want to disarm their fellow citizens asking themselves one question: "Do I feel lucky?"  Plus this seemed as good a time as any to resurrect "The Hickenlooper Blues."

1 comment:

Mack said...

Firearms -- the new fornication.